
Posts Tagged ‘sweater’

There are quite a few things in process right now, and all are so close to being complete, that there “should” be a lot of FO’s to share with you over the next 2 weeks. Notice how I said “should”. I quite frequently “should” all over myself, so one never knows. First up ……

Look at what has finally been given a bath. It’s actually already blocked, and dried and waiting for buttons.

Tangled Yoke Cardi bath

You don’t recognize the black blob in the sink? Well, neither would I. It’s the Tangled Yoke Cardigan that I completed in November. Since this is my first sweater, I think I’ve been afraid to block it for fear that it wouldn’t turn out. Either too big, or too long, or whatever. I decided that there was no need to worry about it until the blocking was complete, and I tried it on.

Flower Faire

Next up is another test-knit for my girlfriend Laura of Fiber Dreams. The pattern is named Flower Faire and is written with 3 design options. You can either make the stole size, or a scarf in fingering-weight yarn or laceweight yarn (as I’m doing). Obviously it’s just a blob now, and I’m only halfway, but I suspect much gorgeousness when it’s complete and blocked. Does the color look familiar? It’s the leftover yarn from the Garden Party shawl I posted about last time. By the way, Wendy Johnson of Wendy Knits is currently knitting up that pattern as well and I can’t wait to see what hers looks like when it’s complete.

Fiber Trends Felted Clogs (drying)

Thanks to Lynda and her blog post showing off her wonderful felted clogs, I felt inspired to finally felt mine. It also helped that Lynda was kind enough to send me an email explaining the best way to felt them. Since one of my slippers was bigger than the other, it had to felt longer and I did think it was tricky getting them both the same size, but I think I was successful. I’ll have a FO post about these as soon as they are dry.

Clapotis Acero

Then we’ve got the Clapotis. When I saw that Jillian had knit one in a solid black, I just knew I wanted one in a solid colorway as well. I dug through my stash and found 2 skeins of Brooks Farm Acero sitting in my stash. I’m in the decrease section so I hope to be casting-off and blocking by the weekend so I can take it with me next week to Stitches West.

Other than that, there’s a completed pair of socks which will get it’s photo shoot tomorrow, and then they’re off in the mail to mom.

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Molly’s Matinee Coat

On Wednesday, April 18th, I became an aunt …. for the eighth time. (gasp) It’s so strange for me to realize that my 4 siblings have all had children and I’m the eldest with none. Obviously this gift is a bit delayed, but it won’t fit Molly until she’s 3 months old, so maybe I’m early?

Molly’s Matinee Coat

Pattern: Matinee Coat

Pattern Source: Debbie Bliss Simply Baby
Yarn: Sidar Snuggly DK; white
Needles: Knit Picks Options and Circulars size 6, 5, 3 and 2 US
Modifications: I added a picot edge around the neckline.

Notes about the pattern: Although I really do like the finished object, you couldn’t pay me to knit another item in this book. I never understood why people didn’t like knitting patterns that don’t have a schematic … until now. None of the patterns in this book or the Debbie Bliss Special Knits book for that matter, have schematics. This made blocking the 5 pieces of this sweater a pain in the arse. I finished knitting all the pieces on April 11th and attempted to start blocking that same day. However, when I discovered there were no schematics, and I’d spent an hour of frustration trying to figure out what measurements to block everything, I gave up. A week later, when my sister called to announce that her daughter had been born, I resolved to tackle the sweater once and for all. I struggled through two hours of calculating, measuring and pinning and crossed my fingers that when I started assembly, it would all come together perfectly. It did all match up fairly well although I discovered that I really dislike seaming. I see top-down sweater patterns in the future.

Notes about the yarn: I originally purchased 5 skeins of this yarn, and today returned the 3 unused skeins to my LYS. Even *I* was surprised that I’d returned the yarn, but to be honest with you, knitting with white yarn was boring and I’m also not a big fan of the nylon/acrylic blend. Although, I’m sure my sister will appreciate that it is washable and I appreciated that it was economical.

Final thoughts: If you are the type of person that can block many pieces of a project successfully without schematics, then I’d highly recommend this book, but if you are like me and don’t have enough experience under your belt to block with schematics, stay away. I’ve also discovered that instead of asking the mother (or picky sister) what they would like me to knit for their baby, I’ll just pick a pattern and yarn I’ll enjoy working with and hope they like it in the end. After all, if I like what I knit, I’ll finish it quickly and be more inclined to not mutter profanities under my breath.

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For those of you who live under the rock next door to my rock, you’ve got to check out Ravelry . For those of you who have an invite left .. can you please invite me? I’m DYING to try this out since I’m an anal-retentive organizing nut and this looks like it’s right up my alley! I don’t know if I’m patient enough to wait for it’s full release.

Although I have no socks on the needles and haven’t had for a week (gasp), I’ve signed up for the Summer of Socks 2007 KAL. I’ve thankfully fulfilled my SAM 3 KAL requirements for May and have forbid myself to cast-on for another pair of socks until I finish the Debbie Bliss Matinee Coat for my new neice Molly. You would think this would be HUGE motivation for a sock fiend like me, but even though this was off the needles and blocking last month, so far I’ve only managed to seam it. To officially complete it, I still need to knit the edging around the neckline and then put it in the mail to my sister. Thank goodness it’s knit for a 6 month old!

And if having one project on the needles for a neice wasn’t enough, I’m also working on a purse for my eldest neices birthday. I’ve knit this bag once before for another neice and this neice saw it and said she *had* to have one too. This has been a really quick knit and all I have left are the i-cord handles and felting. She’ll be visiting me the last week of this month, a few days after her birthday, so it will be fun to give her this in person instead of sending it off in the mail.

The VLT shawl (which looks like a blog) is still in progress and I think I’m on track to have it complete by my mother-in-laws birthday next month. I’m not sure I’m going to use the edging shown in the book, but I’m not sure what else would look nice. Any suggestions?

For those of you who love podcasts and/or love scrapbooking, you absolutely must check out my friend Lain’s ScrapHappy Podcast. Currently, I’m not into making scrapbooks (which is the main focus of this podcast), but I just love that her podcast. Last episode she was stating that if a scrapbooking tool doesn’t have mutliple uses, she doesn’t keep it around, so she had taken her ribbon straightening iron into her bathroom to see if it would also straighten her hair! Her last 4 podcasts are all in the 15-20 minute range, so if you want a treat, go subscribe. Oh, and if you do.. please tell her I sent you.

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I’m slowly but steadily working on the Baudelaire‘s by Cookie. I had the most surreal moment the other day. I sat down in my favorite chair with these socks, turned on TIVO and discovered a new episode of Knitty Gritty had recorded. Since this show can be a hit or miss, I wasn’t too excited until I started watching the episode and realized that not only was the featured guest the designer of the socks I am knitting, but she was demonstrating the socks I am knitting. It was so surreal. This pattern was thankfully written toe-up and although I’m not using the figure 8 cast on she uses, because I prefer Judy’s magic cast-on, I really like the method she uses on her short row heel. She doesn’t wrap & turn, she turns and then does a wrap in the form of a yarn over. It works very well and there is no ridge on the heel with typical short rows, which is especially nice. I’m actually a bit further up the leg than what this photo shows, so by next week, they will be complete.

Time to block! I honestly didn’t enjoy knitting this Matinee Coat very much, and it’s probably because it has quite a bit of acrylic in the yarn. I’m also frustrated with the sister I’m knitting this for, so that could be part of it too. The pattern was easy to follow, but what’s with no schematics? Figuring out the finished dimensions will definitely be interesting.

I’m not sure where I saw these originally, but I’m sure glad I did. These are stitch markers from Team Entrelac. When I worked on my shawl (that is still in time-out), I used pieces of sock yarn as stitch markers. It worked okay, but I really wanted to find some very small, lightweight stitch markers with no rough edges and no openings that the lightweight lace yarn could escape through. After looking over these markers with my critical eye, I know they are going to be ideal for my next laceweight project. In fact, I think they are going to be so perfect that I’ve just placed my second order for another set of 10.

By the way, you’ve got to take a look at the new yarns that The Loopy Ewe added to her site yesterday. I placed my first order with her and will be receiving sock yarn I’ve NEVER tried before – Lorna’s Laces, Cider Moon and Fleece Artist. YUMMY!

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I’m so thrilled that I finally received the Yarn Harlot‘s new book in the mail and I can’t wait to start reading it. The only thing that would make it even better would be to meet her in person to have her sign it. It’s not meant to be though, since she doesn’t have Southern California listed on her book tour. I’m so sad 😦

I’m currently knitting Cookie’s Baudelaire sock pattern with the Socks that Rock lightweight yarn in Jasper colorway. Of course since it’s a red/purple tone, it’s very difficult to capture the correct colors in the photo, but I think you get the idea. I’m loving knitting these since the pattern is written toe-up, so I don’t have to do any pattern converting. YEAH!

Laura and I went to our LYS on Monday so I could enhance my stash. One of my sisters is have her third little girl and has requested a white cardigan sweater. Personally I think a white baby cardigan is boring, but it’s what she wants. I tried to find Debbie Bliss Baby Cashmerino and RYC Cashsoft in white, but since there was sadly none of that or any really “nice” yarns in white, I got stuck purchasing the Sidar Snuggly DK yarn. Little does she realize (she’s not a knitter) that had she let me choose the color, she would’ve ended up with a better overall sweater, but since she doesn’t know, I’m probably the only one sad about it. The pattern is the Matinee Coat from the Debbie Bliss Simply Baby book and although I’m knitting it in the smallest size, I doubt it will fit the baby until the fall since Debbie Bliss patterns are rumored to run a little bit big.

I also enhanced my stash at the LYS by purchasing another pair of Addi Turbo Lace needles in a 24″ size 3US. I noticed that quite of few of the lace patterns in Victorian Lace Today used that needle size, so I figure it may come in handy. I also found this navy blue laceweight yarn called Grignasco Regina which is listed as “merino fine” pure new wool. From what I can tell, this yarn is similar to Skacel Merino Lace since both are 100 grams and 2/25; the Grignasco is marked as 1363 yards and the Skacel is 1375 yards. Pretty close huh? I’m either going to make a lace shawl for my mother in law or my grandmother, but I haven’t decided on a pattern yet, so it will sit until I feel inspired.

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The So-So Spartan

When reading this & viewing the photos keep this in mind:

  1. This is my very first adult knit sweater.
  2. I knit this in secret very late at night while DH was sleeping.
  3. I knit this without ever taking his measurements.
  4. I learned my lesson.
Pattern: Spartan Pullover by Kristin NicholasPattern Source: Interweave Knits Fall 2006

Yarn: Tahki Kerry; 10 skeins #5011 black, 1 skein #5012 charcoal

Yarn Source: Webs

Needles: KnitPicks Options size 7 & 9 US 24″ circulars

Notes: The pattern instructs you to work the sweater in the round from the base to the neckline, so I also decided to work the sleeves in the round using the 2 circulars technique. I’m not a huge fan of seaming, so this worked out very well for me. I worked on this sweater secretly while DH was either sleeping or at work since I gave it to him for Christmas … BUT since I took no measurements, it was too small when he put it on (of course), so I had to block the hell out of it again, stretching it in ways that it didn’t want to be nor should have been stretched. It fits him okay now, but it really didn’t turn out as nice as I’d hoped.

I absolutely love the fair isle detail at the bottom and since it was my very first attempt at fair isle, it was very rewarding. The yarn was nice to work with, although I found out after I purchased it that this company (Tahki Stacy Charles) is not consumer friendly. I’m trying to be more concious of purchasing consumer friendly yarn, so even though Webs has it on closeout for almost half the price I paid for it, I’ve decided not to purchase it again. I’ve also decided to NOT knit anymore adult sweaters until I practice on a few kids sweaters first. Maybe Starsky Jr?

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